Jakub Konka
MachO Man
Zig Software Foundation
Hey, my name is Jakub, or kubkon
in the internetz. I am a Zig core team member extremely lucky to be working full-time for the Zig Software Foundation since about 2021. Previously I had a short spell working at Microsoft where all I could really think of was Zig, so that's that. Oh, Matt made me mention that I am also sometimes colloquially referred to as the "MachOMan", which has nothing to do with my upper-body strength, and apparently everything to do with the fact that I wrote Zig's MachO linker from scratch. So yeah, I can usually be found tweaking the guts of Zig's MachO linker, working on incremental linkers, or the self-hosted native codegen.
In my free time, I am a full-time dad and husband 🙂
Come find me and say hello!